Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A Photographic Diary of My Trip: London

Midda's book reminds me that I still have yet to create a proper post about my trip! I've been feeling extremely lazy (and still am) so to tide the appetite until I create a proper post (or maybe this will be my proper post if I never get around to it), I'll post a few select pictures of my trip to London, Paris, Nice, Avignon, and Morocco.

Week 1: London

National Gallery, in Trafalgar Square (I now know why there are no pigeons - bird seed contraceptives!)

parade ground of Horse Guards

Big Ben

Hyde Park (I went rowing here, the park is beautiful)

Buckingham Palace - rear, near gardens

Buckingham Palace - front


amy kelinda said...

What gorgeous photos! What camera do you use? I love the snapshot of Hyde Park and the little duck couple. Aww!

And do they really use bird seed contraceptives? That's kind of brilliant! I know of a few other places where the pigeon population could use some slimming down...

Christina said...
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Christina said...

Hi Amy! My camera is nothing special - a Canon Powershot SD800IS, an old one that's been dropped far too many times. And yeah, I was surprised about the bird seed contraceptives - but now I'm not quite sure if it's correct. I've been looking online for any articles about it, and it seems that the only measure that the mayor of London has taken to reduce the pigeon population is a ban on feeding and releasing two hawks to scare them away. Oh well, guess you can't trust everything a tour guide tells you!